Madi is celebrating her FIRST anniversary with OSS, and if you’ve been following along for the past few years then you know we are highlighting her with a blog post!

Madi was an IUFW Dental Assisting student that rotated through our office in 2021. She had amazing talent and we knew she would be a great fit with our team. She joined our team as an Ortho Clinic Tech immediately after graduating from college.

Madi was raised, and still currently resides, in Warsaw. She has one brother, Tallen, that she often refers to as her best friend.

Madi not only works full-time at OSS, but she also works weekends as a waitress and bartender at the Boathouse Restaurant in Winona Lake, Indiana. She’s been a server since she was 16, and genuinely enjoys working. When I asked her about her hobbies, she had “work” listed as something she does for fun!
Other than working for fun, Madi enjoys spending time with her family and friends, listening to music, attending musicals/theatre productions, and painting. She jokes that she’s definitely not an artist, but genuinely enjoys the process. Madi also has two cats, Loki and Frankie, that she calls her cat kids.