Our teammate, Mallory, is celebrating her first anniversary with OSS! We are celebrating, in true OSS fashion, with a blog post!

Mallory joined our Ortho Clinic Team in 2021 after she graduated from the IUFW Dental Assisting Program. Mallory and Madi were in the same graduating class and were hired just weeks apart from each other.

Mallory was born and raised in Fort Wayne. She currently lives at home and is the oldest of 6 kids (age ranges from 22 to 5-years-old). She is kept busy helping with her younger siblings and says there is always something going on!

When Mallory isn’t busy helping with her siblings or working full-time at OSS, then you will likely find her waitressing at Hall’s Tavern at Coventry. She’s worked there for nearly 7 years, and she enjoys seeing the regular customers + spending time with her coworkers. She said they always make her shifts full of fun!
Mallory also enjoys being outside in the sunshine, going for walks, and sharing her favorite TV shows/movies with her siblings. One of her current favorite pastimes is exploring Fort Wayne with her friends and finding the best new thing to do. Recently, that’s been riding the scooters downtown and finding a good spot to eat.

Mallory is crazy smart, always willing to take on a challenge and just a pure joy to be around. She has a great sense of humor and such an amazing heart. We are blessed to have her as part of our OSS family! Congrats, Mallory, on celebrating your first year with OSS! We hope there are many, many more!